
Sciencefundraising-Webinar: Fundraising and corporate collaboration

  • Datum: 26.09.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 14.00 Uhr - 15.00 Uhr
  • Preis: Kostenlos
  • Ort: Online via Zoom*

Fundraising and corporate collaboration: the Aalto University integrated approach

At many universities, philanthropic donations and corporate collaboration such as research cooperation or employer services are separate functions. Since companies can also be donors, Aalto University in Finland has developed an integrated approach with the aim of developing the partnership as one whole. This is also connected to alumni relations, as alumni work in the companies. The backbone of the approach is a common CRM system for all the functions. In this webinar Teppo Heiskanen will introduce the integrated approach of Aalto University and demonstrate why a common CRM system is useful.

Dieses Webinar ist kostenlos, allerdings Vertreter*innen von Universitäten, Fachhochschulen, Privatuniversitäten, Forschungs- und Forschungsförderungseinrichtungen vorbehalten. Eine Anmeldung ist zwingend notwendig. Ggfs. behalten wir uns vor, Anmeldungen von Vertreter*innen anderer Organisationen abzulehnen, die nicht unter die oben genannten fallen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

*Zoom ist ein Videokonferenz-Tool, mit dem Sie online über Ihren PC/Laptop an diesem Kurs teilnehmen können. Etwa eine Woche vor dem Kurs erhalten Sie detaillierte Informationen, wie die Teilnahme erfolgt.

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Teppo Heiskanen

Teppo Heiskanen is Director for Advancement and Corporate Engagement at Aalto University in Finland. The integrated advancement unit at Aalto includes corporate relations, fundraising, alumni engagement, career design for students, as well as CRM development and analytics. Before joining Aalto in 2016, he was an independent consultant in fundraising and international cooperation for five years. From 2003 to 2011, he worked for the Nordic Council of Ministers in Lithuania and Denmark in governmental relations, as well as organizing international support for the European Humanities University, the Belarusian university-in-exile in Lithuania. He started his career in higher education management at the University of Helsinki in the 1990s in international relations. He also has experience in media and communications, and he has written six travel guidebooks. He has a master’s degree in theology from the University of Helsinki, and he has studied sociology and politics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

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Stephan Kropf

Bereichsleitung Projekte & Mitglieder | Qualitätsinitiative Fördererwerbung & Sciencefundraising

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