
Sciencefundraising: 3. G.C. Marshall Symposium – Leadership in Fundraising

  • Datum: 12.11.2020
  • Uhrzeit: 16.00 Uhr - 18.00 Uhr
  • Preis: Kostenlos
  • Ort: Online über Zoom*

How university boards can enhance fundraising success of their institution

Across the globe, colleges and universities face increasing funding pressures. Even for institutions that are currently robustly funded by public/government entities, the long term outlook is at best uncertain. To ensure future success, private giving must grow. John Greenhoe, CFRE, will provide ideas and strategies to help universities thrive in the coming years through significantly enhanced philanthropy.
Greenhoe will discuss the critical role of leadership volunteers in fundraising. Professional development staff can only be successful to a certain limit without the dedication and connections of volunteers. Session attendees will learn how they can strategically support philanthropic growth through their commitments of time, talent and treasure. They will learn how to leverage resources for measurable revenue improvements. And, most importantly, they will gain takeaways that can be implemented to quickly to help move the needle in fundraising growth and revenue diversification.



      ab 15:45   Login in den Online Konferenzraum auf Zoom
16.00-16.15    Eröffnung durch Dr. Günther Lutschinger (Fundraising Verband Austria) und Dr. Markus Schweiger (Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation)
 16.15-17.15     Keynote: Leadership in Fundraising – John Greenhoe (Western Michigan University)
 17.15-17.45     Frage- & Anwortrunde

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*Zoom ist ein Videokonferenz-Tool, mit dem Sie online über Ihren PC/Laptop an diesem Kurs teilnehmen können. Etwa eine Woche vor dem Kurs erhalten Sie detaillierte Informationen, wie die Teilnahme erfolgt.


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John Greenhoe

John Greenhoe, CFRE, is a senior fundraising practitioner who has trained thousands in the art of major gift identification and qualification. He currently works with leadership volunteers in major gift solicitation at Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA) and has done so previously in a grassroots role for the American Red Cross. He focuses on solicitations ranging from $10,000 to $1M+ (USD). He has taught fundraising master's level courses at two universities and has delivered national philanthropy conference presentations in North and South America, Europe, New Zealand and South Africa. He is the author of “Opening the Door to Major Gifts: Mastering the Discovery Call,” a former Amazon.com bestseller.

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Stephan Kropf

Bereichsleitung Projekte & Mitglieder | Qualitätsinitiative Fördererwerbung & Sciencefundraising

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